Tag: Individuals

  • Monika ARNOŠTOVÁ: Research topic presentation

    Affiliated postdoctoral researcher Dr. Monika ARNOŠTOVÁ of the Research Training Group GRK 2833 “East Asian Futures” held a presentation on her research topic with the title “Role of Gender in Overtime Behaviour of Beijing White-collar Workers and its Implications for Work-life Balance” at the “AAS-in-Asia Conference 2024 – Global Asias: Latent Histories, Manifest Impacts”. The…

  • Aya HINO: Mittagsforum

    On July 3, 2024 at 12–1 PM, postdoctoral researcher Dr. des. Aya HINO of the Research Training Group GRK 2833 “East Asian Futures” will hold a lecture titled “‘Metascience’ of Self-Knowledge and Anthropological Knowledge? A Note on Kokusai Nihongaku 国際日本学 (International/Global Japanese Studies) from a Historical Perspective” at the Mittagsforum (lunch forum) of the Faculty…

  • Qinqin PENG: Mittagsforum

    On June 5, 2024 at 12–1 PM, affiliated postdoctoral researcher Dr. Qinqin PENG of the Research Training Group GRK 2833 “East Asian Futures” will hold a lecture titled “Decline or Revival? Narratives of ‘Change’ in Modern Chinese Buddhist Historiography” at the Mittagsforum (lunch forum) of the Faculty of East Asian Studies at Ruhr University Bochum.…

  • Nora WÖLFING: Research topic presentation

    Affiliated doctoral researcher Nora WÖLFING of the Research Training Group GRK 2833 “East Asian Futures” held a presentation on her research topic with the title “Contested Temporality – How Cao Fei investigates the crossroads of Science Fiction and art by using multitemporal narration” at the “Harvard Visual China Symposium 2024: Time and Temporality in Chinese…

  • Youlim KIM: Research topic presentation

    Affiliated doctoral researcher Youlim KIM of the Research Training Group GRK 2833 “East Asian Futures” held a presentation on her research topic with the title “The Articulations of Unmarried Mothers in Korean Novels since the 1960s” at the international conference “Marginality, inclusion, and gender in Korea: past and present”. The conference was organized by the…

  • Buyun GONG: Research topic presentation

    Doctoral researcher Buyun GONG of the Research Training Group GRK 2833 “East Asian Futures” held a presentation on his research topic at a collquium for docotoral students (Promotionskolloquium WS 2023–24) organized by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bröckling of the Institute for Sociology at Freiburg university. The colloquium took place from February 29 to March 2, 2024.…

  • Anna-Maria RAU: Research topic presentation

    Affiliated doctoral researcher Anna-Maria RAU of the Research Training Group GRK 2833 “East Asian Futures” held a presentation on her research topic with the title “Moderne Chinesische Musik und die Nation in der Republik China (1912–1949): Die Diskurse der intellektuellen Musikszene in zeitgenössischen Fachzeitschriften” at the 34th annual conference of the German Association for China…