Doctoral researcher Buyun GONG of the Research Training Group GRK 2833 “East Asian Futures” held a presentation on his research topic at a collquium for docotoral students (Promotionskolloquium WS 2023–24) organized by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bröckling of the Institute for Sociology at Freiburg university. The colloquium took place from February 29 to March 2, 2024.
Comment by Buyun GONG
It was a doctoral colloquium organized by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bröckling from the sociology institute at Freiburg university. It was a Blockkolloquium from 29.02.2024 to 02.03.2024, in which every presenter had around 45 mins for presenting and discussing. It did not have a specific ‘conference title’.
Basically, I introduced and discussed my research topic with the working title ‘Scientific Management in Republican China: How the Future was Made Plannable’. My presentation focused especially on the relation among modernity, plannability and the future. I also sent around a short text on the case study based on the Kangyuan Can and Print factory, which had implemented scientific management from the late 1920s to the early 1930s.