Activity Report: Nora WÖLFING

© Foto: Lukas Pürmayr

Affiliated doctoral researcher Nora WÖLFING of the Research Training Group GRK 2833 “East Asian Futures” held a presentation on her research topic with the title “Contested Temporality – How Cao Fei investigates the crossroads of Science Fiction and art by using multitemporal narration” at the “Harvard Visual China Symposium 2024: Time and Temporality in Chinese Art and Culture”. The event was organized by the 2024 Harvard Visual China Graduate Symposium Organizing Comitee, presided over by April Xueyang PENG, and Prof. Eugene WANG, PhD, of Harvard University and took place on April 19, 2024 in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Harvard Visual China is an annual format organized by the GSAS student organization. Prof. Eugene WANG, PhD, was chair of the conference. Two keynote lectures were held by Prof. Ziliang WU and Prof. Bing HUANG. The one-day symposium comprised 7 paper presentations on the topic of time and temporality in arts from China, spanning case study based research papers from as early as the Warring States Period to contemporary film and video art. Nora WÖLFING presented a case study on Cao Fei’s complex artwork network “Hongxia Project”.

Further information on the conference including the conference schedule may be found on the Harvard Visual China website.