Doctoral researchers at the Research Training Group GRK 2833 “East Asian Futures” will acquire a dual qualification in East Asian regional studies and in one of the disciplines in the humanities (history, philology, linguistics, religious studies) or the social sciences (sociology, political science, or economics) included in the programme, with an emphasis on advanced theories and methodologies.
The central aim of the qualification programme is to develop the specific profile of language- and discipline-based regional studies research. This concept is operationalized through the establishment of a specific course programme, supplemented by methodological training at the RUB, UDE and other institutions in Germany and East Asia. Career development measures complete the programme, to ensure that graduates are well prepared for entering international research careers.
Our goals in career development are to qualify doctoral and postdoctoral researchers for mobile academic careers in Europe, Asia and world-wide. As career paths are increasingly crossing over world regions, our programme is well designed to encourage the sort of competence which enables doctorate holders and postdoctoral researchers to compete for the best positions globally.
The programme is structured as follows:
Year 1: classes on theories and methods, coaching graduates for their specific topics early on,
Year 2: period of fieldwork and/or archival/library research,
Year 3: analysing and presenting the first results of their field and archival or library work to a larger academic audience apart from their colleagues and supervisors in the research training group,
Year 4: write-up and preparation for career development.
A series of milestones, at which doctoral researchers complete a specific step toward the completion of their doctorate is set up to ensure timely work procedures.