Please accept our apologies as the colloquium on December 13, 2024 had to be postponed. The session will take place on January 17, 2025 instead.
The Online Colloquium of the Winter Term 2024/25 by the Research Training Group GRK 2833 “East Asian Futures” will host a lecture by Dr. Felix BERENSKÖTTER. You are cordially invited to attend.
Dr. Felix BERENSKÖTTER (King’s College London)
Trust and Friendship in International Relations
Friday, January 17, 2025, 10 am – 12 pm (Central European Time)
This talk explores the concept of trust in international friendship. Trust is generally accepted as intrinsic to and, perhaps, the key feature of friendship. Yet precisely because of its centrality, and because international friendship is not a straightforward phenomenon, we need to think carefully about how we situate and ‘see’ trust in such a configuration. The talk approaches this task in three steps: (i) reviewing different ways trust can be conceptualised in general, highlighting its future-orientation, (ii) offering a reading that is intertwined with an ontology of international friendship as shared being in time, and (iii) linking the concept to observable expressions in international politics, namely practices of solidarity, the sharing of private information/secrets, and critique.
Research Training Group 2833 “East Asian Futures: Visions and Realizations on National, Transregional and Global Scales”, Ruhr University Bochum and University of Duisburg-Essen.
Access to the Meeting
Meeting-ID: 613 2929 8406 | Password: 726307