The Governing Board is a representative body comprising the Spokesperson, the Co-Spokesperson and the designated Spokesperson for the second funding period, the postdoctoral researcher, and two representatives of the doctoral researchers (one of whom is a voting member). The doctoral researchers are elected by the group, first in 2023, then in 2025, ensuring that both the first and the second cohort are represented. The Governing Board meetings are organized by the scientific coordinator, and the minutes as well as documents discussed are uploaded in a cloud-based file hosting service (Sciebo), to which all RTG members have access. Votes in the Governing Board are invalid in cases where there is a qualified minority (3:2), ensuring that no measures are passed without the acceptance of the doctoral and postdoctoral researchers. The Governing Board deliberates and decides upon matters of general importance for the RTG. This includes the internal distribution of resources and the definition of the employees’ areas of responsibility. If the doctoral researchers and the postdoctoral researcher have requests for support or new procedures, their representatives inform the Governing Board for discussion and decision. In addition, there will be an annual General Meeting of all doctoral and postdoctoral members with the Spokesperson to discuss strategic issues and adjustments to any aspect of the RTG.
The Professorium includes all participating researchers. They will meet every January to discuss the annual budget, and as often as necessary for recruitment and selection decisions.
The Advisory Board provides strategic advice to the Governing Board of the RTG. It convenes annually to inspect the progress made by the doctoral researchers and the performance and visibility of the entire RTG. Usually, it joins the annual workshops or milestone events. Its meetings are chaired by the Spokesperson. It offers suggestions on decisions in academic performance and makes recommendations. The Advisory Board members shall be appointed for five years by the Spokesperson upon the Governing Board’s proposal. Reappointment is possible. The Spokesperson and the Governing Board shall ensure that the recommendations and suggestions of the Advisory Board are reviewed and implemented as far as possible.