Nora WÖLFING receives Elsa Neumann Scholarship


The affiliated doctoral researcher Nora WÖLFING of the Research Training Group GRK 2833 “East Asian Futures” has received the Elsa Neumann Scholarship of the State of Berlin. The scholarship extends over a period of 36 months and will support Ms. WÖLFING in advancing her dissertation project “Visions of Futurity in Contemporary Art from the Sinophone Region”.

The Research Training Group congratulates Ms. WÖLFING on her successful scholarship application.

The Elsa Neumann Scholarship is awarded by the State of Berlin and supports doctoral theses at the four Berlin universities. Scholarships can be used to prepare for a doctorate (up to 36 months) or to complete an advanced dissertation project (maximum 12 months). Further information on the scholarship can be found on the FU Berlin website (in German).

© Foto: Lukas Pürmayr