Prof. Hyung-Gu LYNN, PhD

© RUB, Wiemann

Hyung-Gu LYNN holds the AECL/KEPCO Chair in Korean Research in the Department of Asian Studies, the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, Canada, and from 2008 to 2023 acted as Editor-in-Chief of the multi-disciplinary journal Pacific Affairs. Receiving his PhD from Harvard University, he held positions at Hitotsubashi University and Hanyang University before assuming his current position, and has been a visiting scholar at Kyushu University and Seoul National University.

Within Korean and Japanese research, his research interests lie with colonialism, migration, popular culture, politics, international relations, and business history.

Among his publications is his monograph Bipolar Orders: The Two Koreas Since 1989, which was published in English by Zed Books (London 2007) and in Italian by EDT (Roma 2009). He also edited the 4 volumes of Critical Readings on the Colonial Period of Korea, 1910–1945 (Leiden: Brill 2012).