Review: Gender Workshop 2023

From December 14 to December 15, 2023, the first gender workshop of the Research Training Group 2833 “East Asian Futures” took place in Düsseldorf.

After a welcoming speech and a round of introduction, both chaired by Prof. Karen A. Shire, Ph. D. (Comparative Sociology and Japanese Society, UDE), on the first day the participants heard a talk by Stephanie Sera, M.A. (Science Support Center, UDE) on special features of the German academic system and career support to women researchers at the University of Duisburg-Essen and the Ruhr University Bochum. Following a break, Dr. Maren A. Jochimsen (Essen College of Gender Research, UDE) gave insight into resources in gender research at both universities and perspectives after the Ph. D.

The workshop’s second day consisted of a podium discussion on gender research in East Asian Futures with Prof. em. Dr. Ilse Lenz (Sociology / Social Inequality and Gender, RUB), Prof. Karen A. Shire, Ph. D., and Dr. Ami Kobayashi (Historical Education Research, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf), chaired by Prof. Dr. Christine Moll-Murata (History of China, RUB). Both days were concluded with sessions for feedback and further planning, headed by Prof. Karen A. Shire, Ph. D. and Prof. Dr. Christine Moll-Murata, respectively.

Programme of the Gender Workshop 2023

The workshop’s participants © RUB, Moll-Murata